Advertise With Us

Engage with more than 200 highly passionate and responsive users daily.

Ad Format

An ad is in the form of a banner which displays on the home page to all users. It consists of an image, and a link which loads when a user taps on the banner. The Ads are of two types – (1) Disappears after the first interaction (2) Permanently on the screen until changed or removed.

Ad Space Options

All options are non-refundable, and cannot be paused and continued later.

Temporary Banner

$5/ Day

  • 1 Image to Show

  • 1 Link to Open

Temporary Banner

$20/ Week

  • 3 Images to Show (Optional)

  • 3 Links to Open (Optional)

Permanent Banner

$10/ Day

  • 1 Image to Show

  • 1 Link to Open

Submit Your Ad

We will review your ad and get back to you within a couple of hours with available dates guaranteed.