Welcome to the blog! This is the first post, saying ‘hello world’ to whoever is listening. I’m starting this blog with the hope of a series of posts. I mostly plan on blogging about the following related to Snap Search:
Snap Search Updates
App updates, more details on the new features etc.
Snap Search Milestones
Blog posts highlighting milestone numbers hit by Snap Search
Important changes or announcements related to Snap Search
Tutorials, Tips and Tricks
… mostly comprising of elements used in building Snap Search.
Hop on for the ride, hopefully for lots more posts to come. While I can’t promise or commit to any fixed number of posts or a regular schedule, I can assure only good solid content – whether it’s about the development of Snap Search, App Updates, or tutorials. I hope to not abandon the blog out of laziness. Hello world shall not be the only post for sure.