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Easy Trick to Reduce APK Size on Android

Reduce APK Size on Android

I’m one of those that believe good graphics are crucial to good UI/UX, if used correctly. If you’ve used Snap Search, you’ll find lots of banners and vector images used throughout the app. However, it comes with a very obvious risk: loading large images can slow down your app, and increase the apk size. I have a total 321 files in the drawable folder for Snap Search, and the following method is my easy trick to reduce APK size on Android.


I Spent One Year Building a Browser for Android

Snap Search completes one year today ????

To be absolutely correct, it’s been a year since Version 1.1.1 went live on the store, I’m not even sure when I started working on it – but I assume at least 1 week before release.

This has been an amazing journey. I’ve made many apps/websites/products before – but never have I been so committed to something for so long. I usually get ‘bored’ after releasing and barely hold on for a month or so.

I’m going to try to share as much as I can about the inception of the idea, the process, what I learnt, future plans and then some numbers ????

BUT, before I start – if you don’t have Snap Search and you have an Android device – consider downloading it: Google Play Store.

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