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A Comprehensive Guide to Safe Browsing on Android


The rapid growth of the internet has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. However, this increased connectivity also comes with potential risks to our privacy and security. As Android users, it’s crucial to practice safe browsing habits to protect ourselves from cyber threats. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the essential privacy tips, tools, and best practices for safe browsing on Android devices, including the benefits of using an incognito browser like Snap Search.


How the 15 Popular News Sites Track Readers

News websites and how they track readers

As days pass the newspaper keeps getting more redundant. Hardly anybody I know of reads the physical newspaper – in fact the only people I know of are my parents and grandparents. What do the others do? The others open one of the news websites to stay updated with what’s happening. There may be many of us though, who don’t have a fixed website we like to read our news on, and generally open whichever we come across first. Have we ever stopped to think how much the news sites track readers?


I Spent One Year Building a Browser for Android

Snap Search completes one year today ????

To be absolutely correct, it’s been a year since Version 1.1.1 went live on the store, I’m not even sure when I started working on it – but I assume at least 1 week before release.

This has been an amazing journey. I’ve made many apps/websites/products before – but never have I been so committed to something for so long. I usually get ‘bored’ after releasing and barely hold on for a month or so.

I’m going to try to share as much as I can about the inception of the idea, the process, what I learnt, future plans and then some numbers ????

BUT, before I start – if you don’t have Snap Search and you have an Android device – consider downloading it: Google Play Store.


What do I get with Premium Mode of Snap Search?

Snap Search has tons of features that separate it from the competition. With Premium Mode, the experience of browsing the web safely is taken to another level by unlocking many more features! In brief, they are:

  • Integrated Proxy VPN
  • Unlocking more Website Options
  • Accessing websites offline
  • Auto Translate Web Pages (Starting V5.4)
  • Pattern Lock Protection (Starting V5.5)
  • Edit Web Pages
  • Video downloader

Read on to know about them more in detail.


Browser Permissions on Android: What No One Is Talking About

Browser permissions on Android

Android has been moving towards better privacy features since a while now. The past few OS updates have been carrying major changes w.r.t privacy. One of the biggest changes Android has made till date, which in my opinion hasn’t been taken seriously enough, is permissions and how they’re asked for. Starting with Android 6.0 (Marshmallow), each app must request for the permission they require. It’s now the developer’s responsibility to ask for permission during the apps runtime, compared to previous versions where they were given by default. Unfortunately, it turns out that many apps ask them unnecessarily. Here, we talk about Browser Permissions on Android.

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