Probably the last update of the year for 2019, Snap Search‘s App Update: V3.2 is now out on the store. In this update, we’ve got a lot of new shiny improvements.
Introducing in V3.2, a fancy new UI for your bookmarks.
- Snapshot: Bookmarks now come with a snapshot of the page. Research shows users identify with images a bit more than text, as visual memory is extremely powerful. If this helps you load your desired bookmark even 1 second faster, the effort was worth it. A new API was written from scratch to fetch the snapshot.
- Quick Tools: Tapping on the bookmark opens the URL as usual, just like before. But if you tap on the 3 dots in the bottom right, you get this sliding tools menu with common actions you might consider with regards to the URL you bookmarked.
UI Improvements
Honestly, there are too many hidden UI Improvements in the app. However, the noticeable one, and the one that stands out the most is the Purchase page. One of the best looking pages of Snap Search now, the whole objective is to increase conversions (it’s not easy maintaining and building an app without $). Hopefully it works out ✌?
Here’s to hoping there won’t be more updates in 2019 (not that I mind it). Also, if you’re reading this – thank you! Please don’t forget to rate/review Snap Search on the store (if you haven’t already) ?