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Search Engines Tracking Users – A Mini Exposé

It’s the year 2021, and by now we all know and have heard many times that data is the most valuable form of currency today. There’s also a famous saying that ‘nothing good ever comes for free’. However, keeping the good and the bad of being tracked aside, awareness is a larger issue. Did you know that all the popular search engines are tracking users? Even those that promise privacy.


Reader Mode for Websites on Android – How To

The biggest difference between reading content on your phone vs reading on your laptop or reading a book, is mostly got to do with the size of the object. It’s not easy to scroll through thousands of words on your mobile device – there’s a lot going on and you can’t focus on the words. Thankfully, by activating Reader Mode for Websites on Android, you can remove all the distraction from the page and achieve an easier to read, simple looking layout – where the text is the hero.

Reader mode on Android
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